Laboratories are equipped with sophisticated equipments to accommodate thirty students at a time. Spacious as per AICTE norms with working facilities of good number of students at a time. Well lighted & multiple sets of instruments & equipments as per WBSCT&VE&SD syllabus. Scope for developing skill with the guidance of experienced faculty Members & technical assistants. All systems are connected to central server by LAN.
Following Laboratories have been set up as per WBSCT&VE&SD Curriculum
Details of Laboratories
Department of Basic Science & Humanities
- Physics Laboratory
- Chemistry Laboratory
- Language Laboratory
Department of Civil Engineering
- Construction Material Lab
- Mechanics of Materials Lab
- Concrete Technology Lab
- Transportation Engineering Lab
- Hydraulics Lab
- Basic Surveying Field Practices
- Geotechnical Engineering Lab
- Estimating, Costing And Valuation Practices Lab
- Design Of R.C.C And Steel Structure Practices Lab
- Water Resource Engineering Practices Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Drawing Practice
- Materials Testing Lab
- Thermal Engineering-I Lab
- Manufacturing Processes-I Practice
- Thermal Engineering-II Lab
- Engineering Metrology & Mechanical Measurement Lab
- Manufacturing Processes-II Practice
- Power Engineering Lab
- Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab
- Fluid Mechanics And Machinery Lab
- Automobile Engineering Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
- Introduction To Electric Generation Systems Laboratory
- Electric Circuits Laboratory
- Electrical And Electronic Measurements Laboratory
- DC Machines And Transformers Laboratory
- Analog And Digital Electronics Laboratory
- Power Electronics Converters And Applications Laboratory
- Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Laboratory
- Induction, Synchronous And Special Electrical Machines Laboratory
- Renewable Energy Power Plants Laboratory
- Switchgear And Protection Laboratory
- Microcontroller And It’s Applications Laboratory
- Industrial Automation And Control Laboratory
- Industrial Drives Laboratory
- Illumination Practices Laboratory
- Electric Traction Laboratory
- Solar Power Technologies Laboratory
Department of Computer Science & Technology
- Programming In C
- Data Structure
- Scripting Languages Lab
- Introduction To DBMS Lab
- Computer Networks Lab
- Object Oriented Programming Lab Using Java
- Operating Systems Lab
- IT System Lab
Department of Mining Engineering
- Mining Gas, Boring & Blasting Lab
- Mining Geology Lab
- Mine Methods & Support Lab
- Mine Ventilation -I Lab
- Mine Surveying-I Lab
- Electrical Engineering Lab
- Mechanical Engineering Lab
- Mining Machinery – I Lab
- Mining Machinery- II Lab
- Mine Ventilation -II Lab
- Mine Surveying-Ii Lab
Language laboratory:
Language Laboratory with ODLL (Orell Digital Language Lab) is Language learning Software availed by 1st year students to enhance their listening skills, writing skills and reading skills.
Objectives of Language Laboratory:
- To have a good command of the language for communication purposes with clarity and accuracy
- To enrich the language learning experiences
- Useful for assessing students' speech
- The electronic devices used in the laboratory stimulate the eyes and ears of the learners to acquire the language quickly and easily.